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  • maryharwell

An Unspoken Father’s Day Love Letter

Updated: Jun 18, 2023

If he could turn his thoughts into words, I know what he would say to you.

Dear Dad,

Thank you for loving me exactly the way I am. I know I’m not the 16 year old son you thought you would have, but you always make me feel like I’m the perfect son for you.

Thank you for meeting me where I am. You never force me to uncomfortably exist with the rest of the world. You come to me first and learn to see the world through my eyes. Then you take my hand and slowly lead me back with you.

Thank you for helping me sleep at night. You lay down with me when my brain feels too uncomfortable to sleep. Your calm presence makes me feel safe and helps my mind and body relax. Having you next to me makes me feel grounded. I know you want to be in your own bed but you always put me first.

Thank you for carrying me. I know I’m heavy and it hurts your back. You always kiss my cheek before you pick me up. It lets me know that you don’t think of me and my handicapped legs as a burden.

Thank you for playing guitar for me. You have taught me to love music and I love sharing an interest with you. The special songs you write just for me make me dance and feel happy.

Thank you for holding my hand. When you sense my anxiety you always put your hand out for me to hold. Holding your hand makes me know everything is going to be ok.

Thank you for being silly with me. You always play my games. You make my favorite sounds, you roll around on the floor with me and you hug me so tight it makes me giggle. They may not be sports or typical kid games, but you make me feel like my games are the ones you would choose to play even if you didn't have to.

Most of all, thank you for always making me feel like I’m enough. I know your heart aches when you see other fathers and sons bonding over things that I am not able to do or understand. You never make me feel like you are disappointed that you don’t have that. You always make me feel like I am exactly what you want in a son and I love you so much for that.

Happy Father's Day to all the special dads!



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